Electric vs. Manual Toothbrush: Which is Better for Gums?

Electric vs. Manual Toothbrush: Which is Better for Gums?

4 minute read

A toothbrush is part of nearly everyone's daily hygiene routine. We brush in the morning and at night, but sometimes people notice a nasty side effect. While your teeth are squeaky clean, your gums may be receding. 


Electric versus manual toothbrush

Why Does Gum Recession Happen? 

If you brush too hard or use the wrong kind of toothbrush, you can cause your gums to recede. According to SF Perio and Implants, medium and hard-bristled brushes paired with vigorous brushing are often the culprit. Your teeth may be clean, but your gums can never grow back after they recede. 


gum recession from toothbrush

Why do we brush our teeth in the first place?

As we move through our day, plaque slowly builds up on surfaces in our mouth. According to the Mayo Clinic, plaque is a sticky white film that contains bacteria. We can often see plaque easily if it builds up too much on our tongue. When you eat meals and snacks, the plaque creates acid that eats away at the enamel of your teeth. This can lead to future problems such as cavities, infection, and increased sensitivity. If plaque isn’t removed for some time, it becomes hardened into a substance called tartar. Tartar is even trickier to remove, often requiring a dental cleaning to get it all off. 


It’s important to brush your teeth multiple times a day to avoid bad breath or a painful trip to the dentist. 


Manual Toothbrush vs. Sonic Toothbrush

As stated before, manual toothbrushes remove plaque but they also can remove some of your gums due to the force you exert on it. Sonic toothbrushes can be hugely beneficial to people who use them correctly. 

Novashine Sonic Toothbrush


DuPont bristles: The Novashine Sonic Toothbrush uses DuPont bristles made of nylon. These bristles are extra gentle on teeth and gums, preventing gum recession and irritation. 


Customized cleaning speeds: Some people like to brush fast, and others like to brush slow. Brushing should be a customized experience, so the Novashine toothbrush offers five separate cleaning speeds. This allows you to avoid the vigorous brushing that feels necessary with a manual toothbrush and let the brush do the work instead. 


Beneficial for people with arthritic or limited mobility in their hands: Our sonic toothbrush is 120x more effective than your average toothbrush and doesn’t involve as much motion as a manual toothbrush would. This can be hugely beneficial for those who do not have the range of motion to reach all of the nooks and crannies in their teeth. 


Replaceable brush heads: For the environmentally conscious, replaceable brushes reduce plastic waste. The brush heads are only a fraction of the size of a standard manual toothbrush, allowing you to replace your brush head as often as necessary without sending too much plastic to a landfill. 

Novashine Sonic Toothbrush Heads


40-year lifetime warranty: The Novashine Sonic Toothbrush offers a 40-year lifetime warranty. The toothbrush is built to last a lifetime, and we’re willing to back that up! 

Tips to Keep Your Teeth Healthy (Aside from Brushing)

Obviously, it’s important to invest in your dental hygiene. However, brushing isn’t the only thing you should do to keep your teeth healthy. We listed a few other factors below that can keep your teeth healthy and a bit brighter!

  • Brush twice daily
  • Floss at least once daily
  • Use mouthwash at least once daily (We recommend the Novashine Teeth Whitening Mouthwash!) 
  • Consider starting a daily whitening routine (The Novashine Teeth Whitening Kit or Pen are perfect ways to get started!)
  • Avoid sweet snacks options such as candy, soda, and pastries
  • Replace your brush (or brush head) every couple of months
  • Schedule check ups and cleanings with your dentist (just in case!)  

Novashine Sonic Toothbrush Customer

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